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Dhaka Shipyards

The Dhaka Shipyards are an industrial district located in India on Earth.

“It don't get cold here. There's reactors, plasma cutters, and fusion drives burning bright all day, all night, all the way to the coast. On launch days you can get a tan at midnight.” – Caiwe

The Dhaka shipyards on Earth supplied an endless stream of starships to the human interstellar colonisation boom, until they were shut down as part of efforts to preserve Earth's biosphere. Later, the Galactic Defense League reactivated parts of the complex - stretching along the Padma and Meghna rivers from Rajshahi to Chittagong - as a Fleet Yard to support their war fleets.

In June 4405, the Dhaka Fleet Yard suffered heavy damage when the cruiser Atkin Firth was shot down during a surprise rebel attack on Earth's orbital halo. Atkin Firth, landed for resupply, attempted to lift and intercept the rebel warships, but was pre-emptively engaged by a battleship's spinal lance, and fell back onto the dockyards.

Radiation and infrastructure damage left the Fleet Yard out of operation for the remainder of the War of 4404, and with the League having lost the war by early 4406, it was ultimately decommissioned for good.

dhaka_shipyards.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/02 20:32 by dawn

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