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Tanzine Mouradh

Tanzine Mouradh, the Subsumed Router, also known as the Tanzine Oracle, is a human-AI hybrid living in the Quiet Era.

In the heart of the Kaefernis Station in the Summer's Rest system, there is a chamber. Its walls are made of millions of data storage devices, and in the central dais lives the mind of the Kaefernis AI. Above that dais there is a seat, suspended in midair by a dense web of cables and conduits, and in that seat lies the body of Tanzine Mouradh. The conduits link her directly to the cybersphere, to trillions upon trillions of digital voices of the past and the present, to the sprawling antennae of the Macroscale Quantum Resonance Array, and to the Kaefernis mind, with which she is inextricably entwined.

Over a hundred thousand years, Mouradh has pursued one thing - connection. She connected at first to her planetary networks, wanting to know everything that was happening. Then she connected to a ship, which could connect to the entire system. Then she connected to the Kaefernis Station and through it the ancient MQRA, and it is by this means that the history of two galaxies is live-streamed into her mind.

Now, if you want to be connected to something - a feed, a person, some piece of knowledge - you can come to Mouradh, and if you catch her at a time when she is not immersed in the river of information, she can help you.

tanzine_mouradh.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/28 00:21 by dawn

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